• Republicans Falling in Love with Defeat. Is Sarah Palin the Best the Republicans Can Do?

    Sarah Palin has become the great hope of the right wing of the Republican Party to defeat President Obama in 2012. While she is a fascinating political figure I have to ask, “Is this the best the Republican Party can do?” If so it will be a long eight years of President Obama in the White House! The down home values of Sarah Palin have a place in politics and there is no doubt her small government mantra is a good idea. But going from being a half term Governor of the least populace state to the leader of the United States is a huge promotion. Palin will be a force to reckon with in the next few years but is she worthy of Presidential consideration?

    Sarah Palin is on a huge book tour that looks more like a Presidential primary campaign hitting all the swing states. She is immensely popular with those people that seem to dislike President Obama the most. But whether that dislike can turn into votes that could get her elected President is another thing altogether. A recent CBS News poll showed her approval rating at just 23% among all voters. Her approval rating among Republicans is 52%. There is no doubt she could get nominated because she appeals to the far right that does turn out in bigger numbers in the Republican Primary elections. But once a candidate is nominated he or she must appeal to the broad base in the center of the electorate to have any chance. Sarah Palin’s “Not Favorable” rating of 38% would doom her candidacy in the general election.

    The two problems that Americans want their leaders to address are jobs and health care reform. Neither of those two problems is as big of a problem in Alaska. Sarah Palin spent just over two years as Governor before resigning. She cited ethics investigations as the reason she was not going to run for reelection as Governor. If she couldn’t stand up to the press and her opponents in the smallest state in the Union how could she handle the rigors of the Presidency? During her recent interview with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News she seemed indecisive when answering questions. While she is on the right side of many issues concerning Americans she has little track record of solving those problems. Her supporters defend her inexperience by arguing that President Obama was not very experienced when he ran for President. Do we really want to risk another inexperienced person taking over the most important job in the USA?

    Conservatives support Sarah Palin because she is a stark contrast to the elitist attitude of President Obama. Her down to Earth folksy style will be very popular with those that dislike our current President. She might even be a good leader although her track record does not conclusively indicate that yet. But she can’t get elected and therefore if Republicans continue to support her all this will do is guarantee eight years of President Obama. The only people that are rooting for that to happen other than the Far Left are the Far Right commentators who will get rich giving average Americans a place to voice their opposition to the current administration. Is Sarah Palin really the best voice to represent the Republican Party?


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