• Tiger Woods caddie Steve Williams 'mad at adulterous affairs, would have blown whistle on boss'

    Tiger Woods' caddie is mad at his golfing superstar boss over a string of adulterous affairs and said he would have blown the whistle if he had known about them.
    "I'm a straight-up sort of person. If I had known something was going on, the whistle would have been blown," Steve Williams told New Zealand commercial television network TV3.

    Williams said he was angry after the revelations about the golfing superstar emerged but said his role was to be a friend to Woods.

    "Of course I'm mad at him, why would you not be?" Williams said.

    "I'm close with his wife and he's got two lovely children and he's let them down.

    "When a guy's having a tough time, it's not up to me to beat him with a stick right now. He's getting enough grilling from everybody else.

    "Tiger's one of my closest friends and he needs my support right now and I'd never think of walking away."The New Zealander said he had not talked to Woods about the scandal since it engulfed the player in November, when reports of infidelity threatened his marriage, destroyed his clean-cut image, and put his spectacular career on hold.

    "When I talk to him, I don't talk to him about what's happened. I talk to him about the future and about what we're going to try to accomplish and how we're going to get over it."

    Woods announced an "indefinite break" from the game in December, and last month in a televised statement said he did not know when he would return to competition.

    Williams said Woods had recently hit balls on the practice range but would only return to competition when he felt he was back in top form.


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