• The incredible shrinking wife

    Few women like being snapped in a bikini – and for Linda Ralph, at ­nearly twenty stone, it was her worst nightmare.

    But as she gritted her teeth and urged husband Nick to take the photo, she knew posing in her cossie was her best chance of shedding the weight that was ruining her life.

    Linda, 49 – now down to just over 10st – says: “I had to be brutally ­honest with myself about how I looked. I knew the image of my near-naked body would spur me on to lose the weight I so desperately needed to.

    “As soon as I heard the camera shutter click, I got dressed again, my Size 24 clothes covering my 19st 12lb bulk – the heaviest I’ll admit to.”

    It was the start of an amazing photo diary recording Linda’s weight loss, with the help of a strict diet and a gastric band op in October 2008.

    Nick, 52, says: “Linda bought me a new camera and we said we should record her progress to the new her.

    “When I started taking the photos, I realised what a big thing it was for her to pose in her undies – but it was a sign of how determined she was. Now she looks gorgeous and I love her more than ever. It’s like having a new ­woman!”

    When Linda and Nick, of North Yorkshire, married in 1980, Linda was a curvy size 14. But four years ago she suffered a back injury when she was hit by a bus, and piled on more weight as she found it hard to get around.

    She says: “My appearance began to bother me and affect my life. I’d hide my ever-growing weight with ­accessories – big belts, scarves, jewellery and scarves. But inside I was unhappy.”

    The turning point came when Linda was helping a friend – who was bigger than her – out of her car.

    She says: “I looked at her and thought, ‘that will be me if I don’t do something soon’. It was around the time that Fern Britton was in the news for her gastric band operation so I began to research about them.

    “I didn’t want to be fat and 50 – my body just couldn’t take much more.”

    Mother-of-two Linda booked the operation in Belgium through a firm called Weight Loss Solutions.
    The ­doctors urged her to lose weight before the surgery to make ­having the ­anaesthetic safer – which is when she came up with the photo idea.

    “I stuck to a rigid diet of liquid meal replacements and by the time I was about to I fly to Belgium, I was down to just under 18st.”

    Linda had keyhole surgery in which a silicone band was placed around the upper part of her stomach, limiting the amount of food she could eat.

    Back home, she initially ate very small amounts of healthy food such as porridge, soup, fruit and yoghurts before ­gradually building up to solids. She also began exercising, ­trying to walk 10,000 steps a day.

    And Nick continued with the photos.

    “Every six weeks, I could feel myself feel physically and mentally lighter as my ­confidence grew. It became ­easier to pose – and by the end I was laughing and joking as I put on my Size 10 undies.

    Today, Linda weighs 10st 7lb and is a size eight to 10. Her bra size has gone from a 44E to a 32DD.

    “I feel I have taken off a massive fat suit that was suffocating my life and me. The operation cost me £5,500 and is easily the best investment I’ve ever made.”

    Linda still enjoys food but makes sure she doesn’t overdo it, which was her downfall in the past.

    “I don’t deprive myself of anything – I just eat smaller portions. So I won’t wolf down a full bar of chocolate, I’ll have a couple of squares,” she says.

    She is now looking forward to a holiday in France with Nick for her 50th birthday, and says: “When I put on my bikini, I will have achieved what I wanted – to be fit at 50.”


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