• Why everyone wants to be Twitter's friend

    he great and the good of Silicon Valley were in attendance at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, but the belle of the ball was undoubtedly Twitter.
    If further proof were needed of the microblogging service's meteoric rise to fame, you need only look at the deluge of news that came yesterday afternoon from such technology stalwarts as Microsoft and Google, who were battling to outdo one another with announcements that they had both inked deals with Twitter to power new real-time search capabilities on their websites.
    Even Facebook, the poster child for the Web 2.0 movement, found the news of its deal with Microsoft to build Facebook status updates in to Bing's search results reduced to a mere amuse-bouche compared to the feast served up by Twitter. How quickly times change.
    Both Microsoft and Google have admitted in recent months that they need to do a better job of integrating real-time search in to their results pages. Twitter's greatest strength is its ability to provide a snapshot of what people are discussing right now, anywhere in the world. Compared to that fluid, hyperlocal data, Bing and Google are so static as to seem immobile.
    As I write this article, for instance, Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, has made it past protesters outside BBC Television Centre ahead of his appearance on Question Time this evening. A quick Google search for "Nick Griffin" throws up some interesting results, including a profile on the BBC website and an editorial from the Guardian. But searching Twitter for the same term produces a rich, detailed and compelling insight into the views of tens of thousands of people about the furore.
    Some types of searches -- such as those for events, news or stocks and shares -- place a premium on the most recent and up to date information. Twitter itself has ambitions to be "the pulse of the planet".
    The dream scenario for web users is a search engine that provides the sort of factual and background information we've come to expect from the likes of Bing and Google, combined with a flavour of the global "conversation" among the web community.
    Microsoft and Google are certain to have thought long and hard about "buying in" these real-time search capabilities rather than developing their own solutions in-house. But it's clearly the most sensible option; partnering with Twitter allows both sites to leverage data from the site's millions of active users, providing a ready-made package of real-time views and opinions at the click of a mouse.
    Of course, the big winner in all of this is Twitter itself. Although neither Microsoft nor Google have revealed the financial terms of the deal, it's almost certain to be Twitter's first taste of a real revenue stream. The microblogging site, which has received around $100 million in venture-capital funding, has famously struggled to settle on a business model for the service; these sorts of deals and partnerships could potentially provide a substantial income for the site, giving it with a financial safety net while it experiments with other business proposals, including charging companies and businesses for corporate accounts on Twitter.
    Michael Arrington, an industry analyst with TechCrunch, says it remains unclear how these real-time updates will be "folded" in to search results, but he imagines that obscure blog posts or websites that gain traction online and are widely discussed by the web community might appear higher up the results list for a relevant search. Likewise, when these sources fade out of the online debate, they will drop back down the results rankings, allowing other hot views and opinions to bubble to the surface.
    What is clear from this week's conference is that Twitter enjoys growing power and influence within the technology community. Its fresh approach to publishing and sharing information on the web has forced other internet stalwarts, such as Google, to up their game, and to continue innovating around the search platform. And that, ultimately, will be good for all of us.


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