• Anti-BNP protesters break into BBC ahead of Nick Griffin appearance

    Anti-BNP protesters breached security and broke into BBC Television Centre tonight ahead of Nick Griffin’s controversial appearance on Question Time.
    Around 30 people rushed through the main gates of the BBC’s broadcasting headquarters in West London. Ten were dragged out of the car park by police officers but at least 20 more made it inside the building where the leader of the British National Party will take part in the political panel show tonight.
    The protests come as the Cabinet are divided over Mr Griffin’s appearance alongside Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary. Peter Hain, the Welsh Secretary, made a last-ditch attempt to stymie BNP participation while The Times understands that Ben Bradshaw, the Culture Secretary, was also against the planned broadcast.
    As several hundred protesters blocked the road outside Television Centre, delaying his arrival, Mr Griffin criticised the security operation.
    “It seems the police do not have this mob under control,” he said. “The protesters have got no right to try to interfere with the democratic process through use of force.”
    Despite vociferous protests, the BNP chairman was eventually smuggled into the compound via a back entrance on Frithville Gardens.
    An initially peaceful demonstration soured at around 4.30pm when police officers responded to the trespassing by stiffening cordons.
    Backed by chants of “BBC shame on you” and “Nazi scum off the streets” the small gang of protesters, believed to be predominantly from Unite Against Fascism, broke away from the main group and ran on to BBC property.
    Rachel Parish, 20, a philosophy student, was among the protesters to make it through the security barrier but she was stopped by officers. “The BBC should be ashamed. How can you give a platform to Nazis,” she said.
    Between 25 and 30 protesters made it inside the building and got as far as the stage door in the reception to the studios before they were blocked by security.
    Around 600 protestors had gathered outside Television Centre to register their disgust at Mr Griffin’s appearance on Question Time.
    Weyman Bennett, joint national secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: “I can’t believe the BNP are going to be taken apart in the debate.
    “What they are going to get is a massive hustings for their fascist and racist politics and the price for that will be an increase in the number of racist attacks.”
    Labour MP Andy Slaughter, whose constituency includes Television Centre, was outside the BBC to lend his support to the protesters.
    He said: “I think it is just irresponsible. Cutting through the dinner party conversation about freedom of speech, the practical impact it is going to have on Muslim, black and Asian communities is reason enough not to give the BNP a platform.”
    Frank Langan, 66, from Ealing, West London, was escorted into the building as he was one of the audience members.
    Before he went into Television Centre, he said: “I’m going to go in and find out what Nick Griffin has got to say. I don’t have to agree with it but I think it’s right that he is allowed on Question Time.”
    The recording was due to take place in studio six at 6.30pm.
    An e-mail was sent to all BBC staff this evening asking them to wear their ID prominently, stay in their offices where possible and avoid the main reception.
    The message read: “We are aware that protestors have breached security at Television Centre. They are being evicted by police and security. All studios are secure.”
    Mr Griffin thanked the BBC in The Times this morning for allowing him to raise the profile of his party by taking part in the debate.
    Although he claimed the BBC was “institutionally biased” against him, he believed that it had shown a degree of principle in allowing him to appear. “Thank you, Auntie,” he said.


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