• Tiger Woods 'used bodyguards to lure his lovers'

    TIGER Woods used his wealth and loyal friends to conceal his adulterous lifestyle, seducing his mistresses with gifts and confessions of love to keep them quiet.
    The billionaire golfer's bodyguards approached women in nightclubs on his behalf and he would turn to close business allies for help arranging later meetings.

    His childhood friend Byron Bell, who heads Woods' golf course design firm TWD, is believed to have chaperoned one alleged mistress, Rachel Uchitel, 34, to Melbourne last month and Woods has offered to buy others jewellery, plane tickets and even cosmetic surgery.

    A source close to Ms Uchitel said: "She was the only one he loved - he told her he loved her.

    "He tells them it's their secret. He makes them feel special.

    "You don't talk (publicly) after that."

    The revelations came as a British newspaper is believed to be about to publish an interview with a fourth woman claiming to have had an affair with Woods. Another British report accused Woods of five more flings, bringing the married superstar's alleged tally of affairs to eight.

    Another report claimed Woods used prescription drugs to boost his sex life with one of his alleged mistresses.

    Ms Uchitel told friends she and Woods took the sleeping pill Ambien before having sex, according to a US media report.

    "You know, you have crazier sex on Ambien - you get into that Ambien haze. We have crazy Ambien sex," the report claims she said.

    But Ms Uchitel has publicly denied any affair.

    Woods also allegedly offered to house another of his mistresses, Jaimee Grubbs, 24, in an apartment in Las Vegas.

    "He said she could stay there for free and sort of manage the property," Ms Grubbs' former colleague, Keith Taylor, said.

    Ms Grubbs' 31-month affair with Woods allegedly began in 2007 when he approached her at Vegas nightclub Light and said: "You look bored."

    Light was recently renamed The Bank, where his third alleged paramour, Kalika Moquin, 27, works as a marketing manager.

    The pair reportedly spent a weekend at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in October, but she denied an affair.

    A worker at that hotel said Woods would typically have his bodyguards approach women he found attractive and invite them back to his table.

    "It didn't take much - after all, he's Tiger Woods," the Grand employee said.

    Last month, Woods allegedly flew Ms Uchitel business class to Australia while he was staying at the Crown Towers during the Australian Masters.

    It was her first trip to the country, the Uchitel source said.

    Mr Bell booked the flights, TMZ reported.

    Ms Uchitel, who has denied a fling, reportedly received $1 million to keep quiet about their affair, but the source claimed she received much more.

    "She said she wouldn't do it for less than $5 million. She could have done a tell-all exclusive interview for $1 million," the source said.

    Woods' team has not responded to the claims.

    Yesterday Woods' friend, Greg Norman, said he was not surprised by the scrutiny of the golfer's private life.

    "Hey, he's the No.1 player in the world. Publicity is going to follow you no matter what you do, whether you win or lose tournaments," Norman said.

    He refused to comment on the controversy surrounding Woods.

    "That's his private life - I'm not going to go there with that one," he said.

    "We all feel for him, but he has to sort out his own personal issues."

    But Norman said fallout from the Woods affair would not harm the game of golf.

    US celebrity gossip writer Robin Leach said Woods made little effort to conceal his flirting, spending cash on the women he fancied.

    Woods admitted last week to "transgressions" that had hurt his wife.

    Elin Nordegren is said to have scratched his face and attacked his car with a golf club before Woods' recent crash outside his Florida mansion.


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