• US Open meltdown: Serena Williams faces million dollar fine

    Melbourne, Nov.27 : American tennis star Serena Williams faces the possibility of being fined a million dollars for her ugly US Open meltdown.
    Industry sources indicated the International Tennis Federation’s Grand Slam committee was close to reaching a consensus on the Williams case, almost 12 weeks after the incident, Fox Sports reports.
    Williams has been cited under the sport’s code of conduct for committing a major offence, an infraction that carries possible suspension from January’s Australian Open.
    Williams allegedly threatened to kill a lineswoman in New York.
    She was quoted as saying: ‘If I could. I would take this f—ing ball and shove it down your f—ing throat.’
    ITF Grand Slam administrator Bill Babcock has completed his investigation, taking evidence and submissions from Williams and the officials directly involved on the day.
    The four members of the Grand Slam committee will discuss those findings at the ATP World Tour finals at the O2 Arena on Saturday.
    Geoff Pollard (Australian Open), Jean Gachassin (French), Tim Phillips (Wimbledon) and Lucy Garvin (US) will meet to weigh Babcock’s recommendations.


  1. Unknown says:


    wow thats a huge fine. a tad bit extreme dont u think?

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