• Rihanna at the Brixton Academy, SW9

    Rihanna unveiled a handful of songs from her new album, Rated R, at an exclusive launch event in London that was simultaneously streamed worldwide courtesy of her corporate sponsors Nokia. Although more of a live media showcase than a proper gig, the Barbadian star performed with a full band and a pair of wraith-like backing singers for 40 minutes on an elaborate stage design that looked like a futuristic TV scrapyard.
    Semi-dressed in a black bathing costume decorated with some spangly straps and epaulettes, and with her hair swept into a lopsided, space-age bouffant, the singer posed aggressively at the front of the stage during the opening bars of Mad House. With her eyes encased in a pair of wraparound shades, all she needed was a whip and a pair of handcuffs to complete the alien dominatrix look as she waded into a pulverising version of Wait Your Turn, a forthcoming single from the new album.
    This was her first show since allegedly being assaulted this year by her former boyfriend, the singer Chris Brown, and it was plain to see that Rihanna has come back from that ordeal stronger than ever. Although clearly the injured party, she is not a person or performer who is about to embrace victim status in a hurry. While the lyrics of her current hit, Russian Roulette, betrayed emotions of fear and uncertainty, there was an Amazonian quality to her performance of the song that banished any possible doubts about her personal determination and resilience.
    If anything, the arena-rock strength of the backing band and the unyielding quality of her voice were a little overwhelming as she combined elements of Madonna, Beyoncé and the young Tina Turner into a performance of furious, yet strangely pneumatic brio. The 21-year-old certainly seemed determined to prove that she is the new lioness on the block, and perhaps she is.
    The pace slowed briefly for a piano-led version of Take a Bow which segued into a distended, almost prog-rock arrangement of Disturbia. But it was quickly back to the tough stuff for Hard, during which she was joined by the bling-encased rapper Young Jeezy, who barked out the end of the song like an attack dog.
    Her mentor Jay-Z arrived on stage to an enormous cheer, and the pair embarked on a boisterous run through of their hit Run This Town, followed by a triumphant finale of Rihanna’s signature song Umbrella. As ever, several people in the crowd miraculously produced umbrellas, but even they were afforded scant shelter from the sparkling confetti that rained down from the ceiling.
    Rated R is released on November 23. Rihanna appears on The X Factor on November 29


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