• Modern Warfare 2 - 360, PS3, PC

    The original Modern Warfare was a dazzling first person shooter. Infinity Ward blended epic scenes with thrilling gunplay to create one of this generation's premier shooters. The sequel has a tough act to follow, but it manages to pull it off, but it's not without its flaws.
    Modern Warfare 2's plot centres on a new global terrorist threat and you take control of several key characters as your elite squads attempt to snuff out the threat to world peace.

    With a confident swagger, Infinity Ward's latest creation drops the players in various locations across the globe to nullify the terrorist threat. These levels may be fairly small in scale, but are epic in terms of action-packed moments.

     Pacing throughout the game is just about perfect, with some of the most immersive moments in gaming this year. A breathless close quarters shootout in a Rio suburb, freeing hostages from an enemy infested oil rig, and an epic, eye-popping battle in the centre of a war-ravaged Washington DC in the pouring rain are episodes that will live long in the memory.
    The robust gunplay is spot on, and although you can't issue your squad mates with orders, flanking an enemy while your teammates attack from the front is extremely satisfying.
    The action isn't limited to simply gunning down your enemies either. Speeding between trees on a snowmobile during a frantic frostbitten chase and accelerating down river rapids offer a wonderful break from the core shooting action. There's even a small section which brings to mind Mirror's Edge, as you desperately scamper across rooftops towards a waiting helicopter.
    While the game features some surprising twists and turns, the plot in general is a mixed bag. Generic cutscenes are used to explain the overall global situation, but the story never quite blossoms into a cohesive yarn.

    Another gripe is the game's length. I completed the single player campaign in just under seven hours. Not too bad, although such is the thrill of the experience, the player is left desperate for more. Special Ops missions help extend the single player experience, though, while the most comprehensive multiplayer this side of Halo means online gamers have more than enough content to last them well into next year.
    Of course the big talking point is the notorious airport scene. Infiltrating a terrorist cell in this particular section proves to be an uncomfortable - and incongruous - experience. A shocking scene which feels unnecessary and out of place in the implausibility of the rest of the game. The option to skip the scene is also included, but parents should be aware that Modern Warfare 2 carries an 18 certificate for a reason.
    However, controversy aside, Modern Warfare 2 plays beautifully - a blistering, immersive and adrenaline fuelled ride, brimming with wonderful moments and polished to perfection.
    It may not rewrite the rulebook and it's a shame the single player campaign is so short, but the team at Infinity Ward have delivered a fast-paced experience that no shooter fan should be without.


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