• Study: Shoes cause long-lasting pain

    They are often tolerated in the name of fashion, despite the fact they’re uncomfortable. Now research suggests high heels and other unsupportive footwear may cause long-term problems.
    The Boston University study finds people who make poor shoe choices early in life are more likely to suffer from foot pain in later years, according to WebMD.
    Researchers surveyed more than 3,000 adults for the study appearing in the journal Arthritis Care and Research.
    They found 19 percent of men and 29 percent reported general foot pain most days. However, women who wore what the researchers classified as "good shoes" – like athletic and casual sneakers – were 67 percent less likely to have foot pain than those who wore "average shoes" – like hard soled shoes or work boots.
    "While more research is needed, young women should make careful choices regarding their shoe type to avoid hindfoot pain later in life, or perform stretching exercises to alleviate the effect of high heels on foot pain," researcher Alyssa Dufour tells WebMD.
    Foot and toe pain is one of the top reasons adults visit their primary care doctors.


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