• Nick Griffin: ex-NF leader Martin Webster offered me underage gay sex

    When Nick Griffin told BBC One’s Question Time that he found “the sight of two men kissing in public a bit creepy”, he may have been thinking about a traumatic adolescent experience.
    In an interview with The Times, Mr Griffin claimed that a former deputy leader of the National Front (NF) offered sex to him when he was still a teenager.
    The BNP chairman hit out at persistent allegations from Martin Webster, who mentored him in far-right politics during the late 1970s, about a relationship.
    Mr Webster has claimed that Mr Griffin had been his “bit on the side” for several years. Mr Griffin strongly denies that they had had an affair.
    Although confirming he had often stayed overnight in Mr Webster’s London flat, Mr Griffin said he was unaware that the NF leader was gay “until he propositioned me when I was 16”.
    He added: “Despite having been to a boys’ public school, I didn’t really think anyone was a homosexual before that.”
    Asked if he found it strange that a senior figure in a party which, at that time, advocated the persecution of gays should have offered to perform a sex act on him, Mr Griffin replied: “I certainly did. It was a bit of shock.”
    The allegations by Mr Webster, who claims to have been kicked out of the NF because of his sexuality, are potentially damaging because it risks alienating many of his supporters.
    Mr Griffin said if the “masturbatory fantasy about our affair” was true, he would have been 16 to 18 - below the age of legal consent for gay sex at the time - “so we could put him on the paedophile register”.
    He is not inclined to take any action against Mr Webster, however, because “he is a silly old queen and I can’t be bothered”.
    The BNP, which was born out of the remnants of the National Front, no longer supports outlawing homosexuality. “I don’t hate gay people at all. But I find the sight of grown men kissing in the street repulsive,” Mr Griffin said.
    While emphasising that people should not be disadvantaged for their sexuality, Mr Griffin said he believed gay sex should “not be flaunted” and that some “homosexual militants are pushing their luck”.
    Similar remarks on Question Time triggered an angry reaction form sections of the audience. One man shouted: “Rubbish! You’re a disgrace.”
    When a lesbian audience member stood up to tell Mr Griffin “the feeling of revulsion is mutual”, the BNP leader smiled and laughed.


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