• New trial ordered for Travolta extortion case

    A judge has ordered a new trial in the case of the alleged extortion of actor John Travolta in the Bahamas following the death of his son at the family's vacation home in January.
    The current case ended in a mistrial late Wednesday after a local politician made comments at a public rally that suggested information was leaked from the jury, which was still deliberating.
    An ambulance driver and medic, Tarino Lightbourne, and his lawyer, former Bahamas senator Pleasant Bridgewater, are accused of threatening to release private information about the Jan. 2 death of Jett Travolta at the vacation home in Grand Bahama.
    The pair are accused of allegedly attempting to extort $25 million US from Travolta over the release of private documents related to Jett Travolta's treatment. Travolta also testified that Lightbourne threatened to sell stories to media suggesting that the actor was at fault in his teenage son's death.
    After listening to a month of testimony, the nine jurors were in deliberation when a local politician speaking at a party convention claimed that Bridgewater was "a free woman." His remarks were broadcast on television and radio.
    Another party official subsequently apologized, saying the comments were mistaken and the jury had yet to issue its verdict.
    However, the judge ordered a new trial "in the interest of justice."
    Senior Justice Anita Allen told the court the comments gave the appearance of a leak from the jury room.
    "I am erring on the side of caution. Justice must be transparent," Allen said.
    Michael Ossi, one of Travolta's lawyers, said his client would co-operate and testify again if necessary.
    "We are committed to seeing this through, and we are committed to seeing justice served," Ossi said.
    According to Roger Gomez, the Bahamas's chief magistrate, the court's calendar is full through the remainder of 2009, and a new trial is unlikely to begin until early 2010.


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