• Conservative party conference: George Osborne to abolish national insurance for new companies

    George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, has announced plans to abolish national insurance for new companies during the first two years of a Conservative government.

    At the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, he said that he believed the scheme would create 60,000 new jobs and send the message that “this country is open for business”.
    The announcement formed the centrepiece of the Conservatives new “Get Britain Working” campaign which is the focus of the conference in Manchester. The party has also announced plans to cut the benefits paid to tens of thousands of incapacity benefit claimants.
    Under the scheme, any new business will not pay national insurance on the first ten workers it hires. An employer normally has to pay the tax at a rate of 12.8 percent of each worker’s wages.
    Mr Osborne said: “Getting Britain Working will be a top priority for the next Conservative Government.
    “So we have a bold plan to abolish tax on the jobs created by new businesses in the first two years of a Conservative Government. This will create around 60,000 new jobs that would otherwise not be created.”
    He added that he wanted to send a message to entrepreneurs to “invest here…set up a business here”.
    The shadow chancellor said that the policy would be funded by cuts to the public sector to be unveiled later in the week.
    "We will send a message loud and clear that this country is open for business."
    Mr Osborne said the tax cut would be funded by savings to be announced during the remainder of the conference. "It will be a huge boost to enterprise," he said.
    Party leader David Cameron followed him on stage to unveil what he said was "the biggest, boldest programme to get Britain working that this country has ever seen".
    Other announcements included a chain of technical schools in England's biggest cities, 10,000 extra university places and a check-up on every Incapacity Benefit claimant to see whether they are really unfit to work.
    The announcements came against a continued backdrop of internal disagreement over Europe, with London Mayor Boris Johnson and right-wing MP Andrew Rosindell both suggesting that there could be a referendum even if the EU's Lisbon Treaty is ratified by all 27 member states by the time a Conservative government comes to power.
    Mr Cameron has promised a referendum only if one or more EU state has not ratified. Foreign Secretary David Miliband today put pressure on him to spell out what he means when he said that he will not "let matters rest" if ratification is complete.
    The Tory leader did not address the European issue in a brief speech to the party conference in Manchester to launch his Get Britain Working package.
    Instead, he sought to seize control of issues traditionally seen as Labour's home territory, telling activists the Conservatives must be "not just the party of the NHS, not just the party of the environment but the party of jobs and enterprise here in Britain in 2009".


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