• Big Brother' winner Adam Jasinski uses winnings to fund his new business: Dealing drugs

    Well, it's certainly an unusual way to spend $500,000. Former 'Big Brother' contestant and winner Adam Jasinski was arrested on Saturday in Massachusetts by the Drug Enforcement Agency for possession of prescription painkillers with the intent to distribute. Jasinski had 2,000 oxycodone pills in his possession and is suspected of running a drug dealing business.

    Jasinski was busted with the aid of a government witness who was wearing a wire. He was attempting to sell the pills to the witness when he was arrested. He is being held in jail without bond until a hearing on Thursday. Police believe that Jasinski has been putting his $500,000 to use by funding his druge dealing business. Jasinski was a special education prior to being on 'Big Brother,' but was fired after he won because of his tendency to call his students "retarded" on the live feeds of 'Big Brother' and then saying it was ok because he worked with them.

    As of now, Jasinski faces 20 years in prison and a $1,000,000 fine. If he gets bail maybe he can try his luck on 'Survivor.' If he wins, he can use the money from that to pay his fine.


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